The Brand Story

Skinfood Naturally emerged out of a particularly tricky period in my life. It came into existence when I was looking for answers and found a solution to my problem. Then I wanted to share my experience and the knowledge I’d gained with others experiencing the same feelings I’d had. Skinfood harnesses my passion for natural skincare products and is the result of the solution I found to my problem.


Let’s talk about what happened…


In 2018 I suffered from extreme stress after a multitude of problems I experienced in a short time – these included bereavements, family turmoil, injury and redundancy, followed by several months of unemployment. I knew I was stressed and under pressure, but just kept going… and going… until I started to see this manifest itself in physical symptoms.


I’d never had problems with my skin before and suddenly I had horrendous hormonal acne on my face, It looked awful and made me feel really self-conscious. I knew then that I had to deal with the stress. I was diagnosed with clinical depression and went to a naturopath to try to figure out what was causing the acne. I’d tried all sorts of products, home remedies and tried to keep calm and get some sleep, nothing helped. I took supplements and then vibrational and herbal medicine. That started to work, so I began researching how to level the “chemical imbalance” that had been caused by the stress hormones.

I realised the answer lay in the power of plants, fruits and vegetables and the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and antibacterial (to name a few) compounds they contained. I began training as a cosmetic scientist and launched Skinfood Naturally to work in tandem with a healthy diet and lifestyle, to boost skin defences. After all your skin is the largest organ in your body and what you put on it can be just as important as what you put in it, to support your body’s functions.